Our challenge is to create an atmosphere where all sincere God seekers can feel they’ve found a place called “home”. Labels are refused, we are simply the church of Jesus Christ with the terms stated and defined within the bible.
We believe that the church can be diverse socially, racially, ethnically and economically. We gather as one, with different faith backgrounds, all rooted in the Christian doctrine of faith. There will always be, on the perimeters of the most sincere Christ followers, a difference of opinion and interpretation of some portion of scripture. That being said, we realize the importance of protecting the core foundational truths prescribed in scripture as untouchable and un-debatable. The foundation so carefully built by Christ and his Apostles are not to be compromised and serve to sustain and mature the believer within the community of the church. We commit to preserve and defend the following core beliefs upon which our body thrives…
ABOUT THE BIBLE: We believe the bible in it’s entirety is the inspired Word of God and is the revelation of God to man. It stands as the only reference point and standard for how we should live, a rule of faith and conduct. It is a love letter from God to the reader and reveals truth and life. 2 Tim. 3:16;Rom. 15:4; 2 Pet. 1:21.
ABOUT GOD: We believe there is ONE God existing in THREE eternal persons, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Father gave His Son and that the Father and Son sent the Holy Spirit to the church when Jesus went back to be with the Father after His resurrection .God is ever-present, all-powerful and all-knowing. He is full of grace, mercy and justice and is sovereign at all times being unlimited in His knowledge and wisdom of all matters. 1 Cor. 8:6; 2 Cor.13: 14;John 14:16-17.
ABOUT JESUS: Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man. He was like us but was sinless being conceived by the Holy Spirit of God and born of a virgin. He came, lived, died on a cross, rose from a grave, showed himself to his friends and ascended to heaven as they watched and is now seated at the right hand of the Father as an advocate for us. Luke 1:35; Phil. 2:7;Heb.8: 6: 1 John 2:1-2
ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT: He is our Friend, Comforter and Helper. He communicates heavens desire for our lives. He is with us, drawing us to Jesus. He is in us after asking Christ to forgive us and live in our hearts, resulting in the fruits of the Holy Spirit. He comes upon us, giving us spiritual gifts that enable us to walk in power and love to help those in the church and in the world. All believers should welcome the Holy Spirit and His help to impact their lives and this world. John 16:8; Rom. 8:16; Acts 1:8. 1 Cor.12: 11.
ABOUT SALVATION: We were created to worship God and fellowship with him forever. Our rebellion in the garden was not forced but was our choice and introduced the curse of sin in our lives. Jesus rescued us, bearing our sins that we could be friends with God. He gave His sinless blood and life on the cross as an offering to God for our sins. Sin has condemned us all to death but God offers forgiveness and salvation through Christ to all who would receive it. Salvation is about a relationship, not a religion. We have a choice to receive or reject God’s free gift that will ultimately lead to eternal life or death. Col.1: 20;Heb. 9:14;Rom. 10:13.ABOUT FOLLOWING JESUS: When we receive Christ we give ourselves to His cause to reach others. To follow Him we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him, wherever that may lead. He has promised to be with us and never leave us. Denying ourselves is our greatest challenge as our flesh seeks its own will. His Holy Spirit is with us to set us free of our flesh desires and selfish attitudes so that we can follow Jesus in a BIG way. This leads to a full and satisfied life, both now and eternally. Matt. 16:24;Heb. 13:5; 1 Cor.10: 13. Rom. 14:17.
ABOUT THE FUTURE: The church is the bride of Christ. Jesus and the church have been engaged to be married for 2,000 years while waiting on the wedding day consummation. The marriage will be finalized upon His return to receive His bride in the rapture. We will then enjoy the wedding supper of the lamb for all eternity. God will then judge His creation with his unflawed holy character while demonstrating mercy and justice. Those who received Christ will receive eternal life with Him. Those who reject Jesus Christ will be thrown into the lake of fire, forever separated from God. 2 Cor. 11:2;Ephesians 5:25; 1 Thess.4: 15-18; Rev. 19:6-9;Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. 5:9-11; Rev. 20:11-14.